About me
Currently, I am a staff scientist at the Applied Math & Plasma Physics group in Los Alamos National Lab (LANL), USA. Previously, I did my post-doctoral research at the Center for Nonlinear Studies (CNLS) here at LANL. I am also a part of the Advanced Network Science Initiative (ANSI) working with Anatoly Zlotnik and Kaarthik Sundar. I currently work on modeling and optimization of gas grid networks with a focus on integrating hydrogen and natural gas in existing pipeline networks. I am also interested in algorithms and applications for mathematical programing with equilibrium constraints (MPECs) which are used to solve optimization problems with variational inequalities.
I obtained my PhD working with Prof. Lorenz Biegler in Chemical Engineering from Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh in 2021. My PhD project was in developing detailed heat exchanger design models and incorporating them in large flowsheet optimization models using trust-region methods. I also worked on modeling multi-component phase change heat exchangers using MPECs in heat integration optimization models among other things.
Prior to that, I completed my Bachelors (with Honors) in Chemical Engineering (minor in Electrical Engineering) from Indian Institute of Technology Bombay in India 2016.
In my free time, I watch sports (Soccer, F1 and NFL) and listen to music (mostly Hard Rock). I also like playing soccer and hiking with friends.